About Me
- Alessandro Peluso
- Welcome to my blog! Let me introduce myself. My name is Alessandro Peluso. I am a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Marketing at the LUISS University, Rome, and Research Assistant in Marketing and Territorial Marketing at the University of Salento, Lecce (ITALY).
My Education
1997-2002: Bachelor's Degree (Laurea Magistralis) in Economics & Commerce with honor, University of Salento, Lecce (ITALY). Major in Marketing - Thesis "The Psychological Prices with the Introduction of the Euro: An Experimental Analysis of the Effects" (Supervisor: Prof. G. Guido)
My Research Interests
Customer Satisfaction: This has been the subject of my Ph.D. dissertation where I have successfully tested in an experimental study a theoretical model stating that consumers use different criteria to evaluate products, depending on the consumption context.
Other research interests (in importance order):
Endorsers' Perceived Credibility: My studies in this area have focused on the effects of endorsers' physiognomy (i.e., their babyfacesness and beardedness) on their perceived credibility.
Innovativeness in SMEs: My attention in this area has focused on the role of entrepreneurs' cognitive styles, proneness to adopt innovations and personality in general in the diffusion of innovations among Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises.
Brand Personality: My interests in this area have focused on two really innovative topics: (i) the emotional effect of specific brand personality marker attributes on consumers' intention; and (ii) the anthropomorphism in brand/product perception.
Price Perception: My research has investigated the role of infomediaries in Internet pricing strategies and the effects of the introduction of the Euro on consumers' price perceptions (i.e., odd-ending price perceptions).
My Teaching Experience
Customer Satisfaction: My seminars and lectures in this area have regarded CS modeling and applications, with a focus on specific innovative models.
International Marketing: My seminars and lectures in this area have focused on global marketing, distribution, international market entry strategies, segmentation, targeting, positioning, global branding.
Marketing Principles: My general marketing seminars and lectures have focused on competitive strategies, market segmentation, product development and positioning, pricing, distribution, and communication.
Marketing Research: My seminars and lectures in this area have regarded sampling techniques, hypothesis testing, experimental design, multivariate data analysis by using statistical software packages (i.e., SPSS).
Public Communication: My lectures have regarded municipality marketing, with a focus on communication strategies in public institutions and not-for-profit organizations.
Territorial Marketing: My seminars and lectures in this area have focused on industrial vs. tourist districts' identity vs. image management, local development, and place branding.
My Publications
Articles in national and international journals
[4] “Biodiesel e Centrali a Biomassa nel Salento: Uno Studio Esplorativo sulle Credenze dei Potenziali Operatori del Settore”, Economia, Azienda & Sviluppo, Vol. 6 (3), 2008, 83-102
Chapters in edited books
My Conference Presentations & Proceedings
[1] “Le Dimensioni dell'Antropomorfismo nella Percezione dei Prodotti di Marca” (Co-authors: G. Guido and A. Martino), Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Society, 5th Edition, Milan (Italy), October 3rd-4th 2008
[2] “Identità, Immagine e Personalità dei Sistemi Territoriali Locali: Due Studi Sperimentali su Vocazione Vs. Percezione” (Co-authors: G. Guido and C. Pace), Annual Conference of the Italian Regional Science Association (Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali), 29th Edition, Bari (Italy), September 24-26th 2008
[14] “Psychological Prices withe the Introduction of the Euro: An Experimental Analysis of the Effects" (Co-author: G. Guido), in Challenging the Frontiers in Global Business and Technology: Implementation of Changes in Values, Strategy and Policy, N. Delener and C. Chao (Eds), 2003, 550-559. Proceedings of Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) International Conference, Budapest (Hungary), July 8-12th 2003