About Me

Welcome to my blog! Let me introduce myself. My name is Alessandro Peluso. I am a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Marketing at the LUISS University, Rome, and Research Assistant in Marketing and Territorial Marketing at the University of Salento, Lecce (ITALY).

My Education

2004-2007: Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) in Economic and Quantitative Methods for Market Analysis, University of Salento, Lecce (ITALY). Major in Marketing - Thesis "Developing and Testing the Knowledge-Hope Model of Consumer Satisfaction" (Supervisor: Prof. G. Guido)

1997-2002: Bachelor's Degree (Laurea Magistralis) in Economics & Commerce with honor, University of Salento, Lecce (ITALY). Major in Marketing - Thesis "The Psychological Prices with the Introduction of the Euro: An Experimental Analysis of the Effects" (Supervisor: Prof. G. Guido)

My Research Interests

Primary research interest:

Customer Satisfaction: This has been the subject of my Ph.D. dissertation where I have successfully tested in an experimental study a theoretical model stating that consumers use different criteria to evaluate products, depending on the consumption context.

Other research interests (in importance order):

ndorsers' Perceived Credibility: My studies in this area have focused on the effects of endorsers' physiognomy (i.e., their babyfacesness and beardedness) on their perceived credibility.

Innovativeness in SMEs: My attention in this area has focused on the role of entrepreneurs' cognitive styles, proneness to adopt innovations and personality in general in the diffusion of innovations among Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises.

Brand Personality: My interests in this area have focused on two really innovative topics: (i) the emotional effect of specific brand personality marker attributes on consumers' intention; and (ii) the anthropomorphism in brand/product perception.

Price Perception: My research has investigated the role of infomediaries in Internet pricing strategies and the effects of the introduction of the Euro on consumers' price perceptions (i.e., odd-ending price perceptions).

My Teaching Experience

I have accumulated more than 200 hours of teaching experience in the fields of advertising, marketing and territorial marketing. I have taught in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Salento, Lecce, LUISS University, Rome, and other public institutions. The following are some main topics taught (in alphabetic order):

Customer Satisfaction: My seminars and lectures in this area have regarded CS modeling and applications, with a focus on specific innovative models.

International Marketing: My seminars and lectures in this area have focused on global marketing, distribution, international market entry strategies, segmentation, targeting, positioning, global branding.

Marketing Principles: My general marketing seminars and lectures have focused on competitive strategies, market segmentation, product development and positioning, pricing, distribution, and communication.

Marketing Research: My seminars and lectures in this area have regarded sampling techniques, hypothesis testing, experimental design, multivariate data analysis by using statistical software packages (i.e., SPSS).

Public Communication: My lectures have regarded municipality marketing, with a focus on communication strategies in public institutions and not-for-profit organizations.

Territorial Marketing: My seminars and lectures in this area have focused on industrial vs. tourist districts' identity vs. image management, local development, and place branding.

My Publications

Articles in national and international journals

[1] “When Are Baby-Faced Endorsers Appropriate? Testing Effects on Credibility and Purchase Intention” (Co-author: G. Guido), Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, accepted for publication

[2] “The Market for Hydrogen Cars: Non-Expert and Expert Consumers’ Product Images and Determinants of Purchase Intention” (Co-authors: G. Guido, I.M. Prete and J. Quarchioni), The World of New Economy, accepted for publication

[3] "Preconditions for the Diffusion of Prosumption Among Firms: A Case Study Approach" (Co-author: G. Guido), Problems & Perspectives in Management, Vol. 6 (4), 2008, 66-73

[4] “Biodiesel e Centrali a Biomassa nel Salento: Uno Studio Esplorativo sulle Credenze dei Potenziali Operatori del Settore”, Economia, Azienda & Sviluppo, Vol. 6 (3), 2008, 83-102

[5] “The Role of SME Entrepreneurs’ Innovativeness and Personality in the Adoption of Innovations” (Co-authors: A. Marcati and G. Guido), Research Policy, Vol. 37 (9), 2008, 1579-1590

[6] “Livello di Stimolazione e Stato Motivazionale nell’Esperienza di Shopping in Due Centri Commerciali” (Co-authors: G. Guido and M. Capestro), Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, Vol. 35 (1), 2008, 125-148

[7] “Experimental Analysis of Consumer Stimulation and Motivational States in Shopping Experiences” (Co-authors: G. Guido and M. Capestro), International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 49 (3), 2007, 365-386

[8] “Effetti della Tendenza all’Innovazione e della Personalità degli Imprenditori delle PMI Meridionali sull’Intenzione d’Innovare: Uno Studio Sperimentale” (Co-authors: A. Marcati and G. Guido), Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno, Vol. 20 (1-2), 2006, 219-260

[9] “L’Auto di Domani?” (Co-authors: G. Guido and J. Quarchioni), L’Impresa, March/April (2), 2006, 68-74

[10] “Il Mercato Online del Comparison Shopping: Come Classificare gli Infomediari” (Co-authors: G. Guido and F. Rizzato), Economia & Management, March/April (2), 2005, 55-76. Abstract published in A. Diamantopoulos, (2006), “International Abstracts of Research in Marketing”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23, 107-115

[11] “Consumers’ Perception of Odd-Ending Prices with the Introduction of the Euro” (Co-author: G. Guido), Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 13 (2-3), 2004, 200-210

Chapters in edited books

[1] “Baby-Faced Endorsers in Advertising: Affect and Credibility Effects on Purchase Intention” (Co-author: G. Guido), in Content and Media Factors in Advertising, P. Neijens, C. Hess, B. Van den Putte and E. Smit (Eds.), 2004, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 108-114

[2] “Introduzione all’Analisi Multivariata con SPSS per la Soluzione dei Casi di Studio” (Co-authors: G. Guido and M. Ardina), in Complementi e Casi di Marketing Competitivo, G. Guido (Ed.), 2003, Rome: Kappa Edition, 77-100

My Conference Presentations & Proceedings

[1] “Le Dimensioni dell'Antropomorfismo nella Percezione dei Prodotti di Marca” (Co-authors: G. Guido and A. Martino), Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Society, 5th Edition, Milan (Italy), October 3rd-4th 2008

[2] “Identità, Immagine e Personalità dei Sistemi Territoriali Locali: Due Studi Sperimentali su Vocazione Vs. Percezione” (Co-authors: G. Guido and C. Pace), Annual Conference of the Italian Regional Science Association (Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali), 29th Edition, Bari (Italy), September 24-26th 2008

[3] “L’Influenza dei Contesti Sociali e delle Circostanze di Consumo nella Percezione dell’Età Cognitiva nei Consumatori Anziani” (Co-authors: G. Guido and P. Tedeschi), Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Ageing Psychology (Società Italiana di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento), 2nd Edition, Rome, February 29th – March 1st 2008

[4] “What Is Marketing for SME Entrepreneurs? The Need to Market the Marketing Approach” (Co-authors: A. Marcati and G. Guido), International Marketing Trends Congress, 7th Edition, ESCP-EAP European School of Management of Paris (France) and “Ca’ Foscari” University, Venice (Italy), January 17-19th 2008

[5] “Emotionality Effects of Brand Personality Marker Attributes on Purchase Intention” (Co-authors: G. Guido, M.R. Provenzano, and L. Leo), International Marketing Trends Congress, 7th Edition, ESCP-EAP European School of Management of Paris (France) and “Ca’ Foscari” University, Venice, January 17-19th 2008

[6] “The Dimensions of Disgust in the Advertising of Branded Products” (Co-authors: G. Guido and D. Serra), Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Society (Società Italiana di Marketing), 4th Edition, Rome, October 5-6th 2007

[7] “Effects of Entrepreneurs’ Innovativeness and Personality on the Intention to Adopt Innovations: A Survey on Italian SMEs” (Co-authors: A. Marcati and G. Guido), Marketing Theory and Practice in an Inter-functional World, Vol. 13, C.W. DeMoranville (Ed.), 2007, 316. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, 13th Edition, Verona (Italy), July 11-14th 2007

[8] “The Market for Hydrogen Cars: Consumers’ and Experts’ Product Images and Determinants of Purchase Intentions” (Co-authors: G. Guido, I.M. Prete and J. Quarchioni), accepted for presentation at the International Conference on the Environment: Survival and Sustainability, Nicosia (Cyprus), February 19-24th 2007

[9] With or Without a Beard? Effects on the Credibility of Advertising Endorsers and on Consumers’ Purchase Intention” (Co-authors: G. Guido and V. Moffa), Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Society, 3rd Edition, Parma (Italy), November 24-25th 2006

[10] “Entrepreneurs’ Innovativeness and Personality in Networks of SMEs” (Co-authors: A. Marcati and G. Guido), Advanced International Summer School on Innovation in the Extended Enterprise, 8th Edition, e-Business Management Section, ISUFI School of Advanced Studies, University of Salento, Ostuni, BR (Italy), July 5-8th 2006

[11] Consumer Stimulation and Motivational States in the Shopping Experience. The Cases of Two Shopping Malls” (Co-authors: G. Guido and M. Capestro), Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Society, 2nd Edition, Trieste (Italy), December 2nd – 3rd 2005

[12] “Effects of Baby-Faced Endorsers on Credibility, Affect, and Purchase Intention” (Co-authors: G. Guido), in European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 7, K.M. Ekström and H. Brembeck (Eds.), 2006, 442-443. Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) European Conference, 7th Edition, Goteborg (Sweden), June 15-18th 2005

[13] “Consumers’ Perception of Odd-Ending Prices with the Introduction of the Euro” (Co-author: G. Guido), accepted for presentation at the 2003 Fordham Pricing Conference, 6th Edition, Fordham University Pricing Center, New York (USA), November 7-8th 2003

[14] “Psychological Prices withe the Introduction of the Euro: An Experimental Analysis of the Effects" (Co-author: G. Guido), in Challenging the Frontiers in Global Business and Technology: Implementation of Changes in Values, Strategy and Policy, N. Delener and C. Chao (Eds), 2003, 550-559. Proceedings of Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) International Conference, Budapest (Hungary), July 8-12th 2003


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